I have worked with Milan Findura on a number of SW projects over several years. Milan is a really experienced and reliable expert who it is a pleasure to work with. He not only has expertise, but he also always strives to understand the requirements of the client and meet the deadline. To find the optimal solution and achieve the desired result, he is ready to try new approaches and master new technologies.

Speaking from experience, I can fully recommend collaborating with Milan Findura.

Ing. Tomáš Vichr, VICHR spol. s.r.o.

During my cooperation with Milan Findura I especially appreciated his pragmatic approach to solving problems and respecting the required deadlines and the quality of the SW created. Milan always complied with the priorities of the assignment and his approach to problem analysis, design and implementation of the solution was highly professional. I definitely recommend working with him.

Ing. Dušan Rašín, Imeco s.r.o.

During my time at ENTSO-E I have had the pleasure of working with Milan Findura in various capacities, mainly for creating scripts, be it in Python, SQL or VBA. He has a very good capacity to analyze the problem and provide a solution in a very short timeframe, even if he is not familiar with the particular packages required to solve the problem.

I have been very impressed with his ability to learn how to implement a completely new approach to solve an issue and provide the solution at a very high level of quality. On top of this he is able to cater to specific priorities whether it is time constraints, visualization readiness, request for the solution in a specific coding language etc.

In conclusion I would highly recommend his services.

Kind Regards,

Dante Powell

Milan Findura was my first professional boss in a start-up company, which I joined shortly after graduating from university. I was lucky that it was Milan who coached me on the tricky path leading from the theoretical knowledge acquired at school to practical realisations at a high professional level.

I have always appreciated his team spirit and genuine passion for finding the most effective solutions in the field of automated control, industrial communications and data processing. I know that Milan is a reliable professional, and look forward to our further cooperation.

Ing. Petr Kašík, Director of the Automation Division at AMiT, spol s.r.o.

Recent projects


Consulting activities in the field of software development for data extraction, analysis, processing and presentation. There were approximately twenty small to medium-sized projects focused on the analysis of data from the results of modelling the development of the European power industry, the extraction of important information from this data, its graphical presentation and the automatic creation of presentations and maps. Provided for the ENTSO-E company.

  • #excel
  • #python
  • #vba
  • #dataacquisition
  • #datascience
  • #dataanalysis
  • #timeseries
  • #statistics
  • #mapping


Design and implementation of a database working with European power industry data with a web interface for entering and processing this data. Provided for a company with pan-European operations in the energy sector. (Further information cannot be disclosed due to an existing NDA.)

  • #database
  • #web
  • #dataacquisition
  • #datamanagement


Analysis of test data and extraction of data on the behaviour of selected coal power plants in the Ukraine. The aim of the project was to evaluate the properties of power plants after reconstruction and their compatibility with the European system. Provided for Czechpol Energy Rumis LLC.

  • #excel
  • #csv
  • #matlab
  • #datascience
  • #dataanalysis
  • #timeseries