We create quality SW to meet the specific needs of our customers. Our company focuses on data in all its forms, the process of the acquisition, storage, processing and analysis, and the extracting of as much information as possible from the data obtained.

Our primary goal is to understand your needs and come up with the ideal customised solution for you. Depending on your needs, we can offer solutions ranging from the simple (single-purpose utilities) to the complex (cloud storage or containerisation).

What we can offer:

  • Data acquisition
    We will ensure the collection of your data from various sources – files, obsolete databases, websites etc., pre-processing and clear formatting.
  • Data management
    We will see to the storage of your data, and check its consistency and management while respecting its dynamic structure, all including long-term archiving.
  • Data science
    We will attend to the acquisition of useful information from your data by processing aggregations, statistics, relationships and connections between data, as well as forecasts. We will display the results so that they are accessible and comprehensible for you and your customers.
  • Software architecture
    Through comprehensive projects, we can offer the preparation of a software solution for the application architecture, including the design of technologies, processes and data flows and their interconnection, all while guaranteeing cyber security.

Company values:

  • We create quality tailor-made solutions.
  • We strive for maximum understanding of customer needs and their workflow.
  • We specialise in achieving optimal control over the data.
  • We guarantee discreet access, protection of sensitive customer data and ensuring secure information management.